Evergreen Videos
Evergreen videos are recordings that are general enough that they could be used for anyone. They don’t mention a person or company name or specific dates so they can be used over and over as needed. (Hence - evergreen.)
It's best practice to make custom videos per prospect/workspace so you can speak directly to the prospect and their needs -- but we know that isn’t always possible. This is a way to save time and have these on hand, should you need them.
A few tips:
- Keep it short! Aim for 30-180 seconds. They don’t need to be any longer than that.
- Share your warmth by giving a video view into your office or record in a community area of your office. Choose a setting with good light and an uncluttered background.
- If you are going to record these all in one sitting, you may want to bring a few different shirts or jackets to wear so the videos don’t all look the same.
- We’ve provided sample scripts below. Please DO NOT read them on camera. You should strive to be conversational and authentic. Just use the text below as an inspirational jumping-off point.
Here are the most common evergreen videos our clients make.
“I’m looking forward to our meeting” Video
This video is most commonly used in the meeting confirmation or meeting reminder modules. It helps for the prospect to get a feel for your personality and in their heads, further, confirm that they want to give you their time. As other meeting confirmation tools, it also helps to improve the meeting attendance rate.
Sample Video Script:
Hello! I’m really looking forward to our meeting. It will be a great chance to get to know you and your organization better. At [Your Company] we strive to provide our clients with superior solutions and I look forward to discussing your opportunities. I’ve added some information about [Your Company] below so you can learn a bit about what we do and who we are. If you have any questions, or think of anything you’d like to share before our meeting, please use the conversation area below to reach out to me. See you soon!
“Thanks for meeting with me.” Video
This video can be used with either the initial or general meeting recap modules. It helps extend the good feelings you created in the meeting and can make you and your company look polished.
Sample Video Script:
Thank you for taking the time to meet with me. It was great to learn more about your organization and the specific challenges you are facing. I work with companies like yours everyday and I’ve found that every one is really unique, so thanks for sharing your story with me. [Your company] is really set up to help companies like yours succeed. Next to this video, I’ve added a summary about our meeting and the next steps that we discussed. Please review and let me know if you have any questions. You can invite others from your team to be a part of this process by Inviting them to the workspace. Please feel free to use the conversation bubble if you think of anything we may have missed or if there is anything I can do to help. Thanks!
“Do you have any questions?” Post Proposal Video
After a proposal is delivered, it is very common that a prospect goes quiet. They are evaluating your offerings and discussing it internally. Your goal here is to stay top of mind and be highly responsive to their needs. Posting this video will help you do both!
Sample Video Script:
Hello! I just wanted to quickly check in with you. A few days ago I sent over your proposal and I just wanted to see if you had any questions or if there was anything I could clarify. I know we can help you move your business forward and getting started now will help you hit your goals. If you do have any questions, don’t hesitate to send me a quick note using the conversation bubble above or give me a call. I’m here as your resource. Thanks!
Other questions? Please click the "HELP?" button in the upper right corner of your Engage screen or contact support.