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How to Add a Video to a Workspace

Video is an extremely easy and engaging way to build a relationship with your contacts. People are much more apt to watch a brief video than read a large amount of text, and it also allows you to convey your personality and build rapport with your contacts.

Videos can be attached to welcome modules, meeting recaps, proposal modules, meeting reminders, workspace introductions, impact stories and more. In most cases, these videos can be filmed easily by any user with a computer camera or cell phone and are a more personal way of sharing information. There are also great use cases for sharing more professionally produced videos, recordings of webinars, or demo recordings.

Engage allows you to either upload a mp4 file or embed the video if it is already loaded in YouTube or Vimeo. See the step-by-step guide below to find out how to add another exciting component to your Engage workspace.

Step-by-step Guide

To attach a video file directly from your computer (Video Upload):

  1. Add a module to a workspace that contains a video component
  2. Click on the gear icon in the upper right hand side of the module to edit
  3. Click on the pencil icon on the upper right hand corner of the section of the module that will contain the video
  4. Select Video Upload in the drop down menu
  5. Click Select File to find the video on your computer and then click Open to attach
  6. Add a Poster Image by uploading an image file.  Many people either use a screen shot of the video, or their company logo.  A poster image is the image that will be shown until the user hits the play button. If you do not add a poster image, a gray box or the first frame of the video is used, depending on which browser your contact is viewing from. 
  7. Add a title or keywords for analytics purposes below (optional)
  8. Click Save

To attach a video from YouTube (Video Embed):

  1. Repeat steps 1-3 from above
  2. Go to the YouTube video you want to embed.
  3. Under the video, click SHARE 
  4. Click Embed
  5. From the box that appears, copy the HTML code.  Hint - it will start with <iframe and end with iframe>
  6. Paste this code into the video embed field
  7. Add a title or keywords for analytics purposes (optional)
  8. Click Save

To attach a video from Vimeo(Video Embed):

  1. Repeat steps 1-3 from above
  2. Go to the Vimeo video you want to embed.
  3. To the right of the video, click the paper airplane share button

  4. Copy the entire content in the Embed section to your clipboard
  5. Paste this code into the video embed field in Engage
  6. Add a title or keywords for analytics purposes (optional)
  7. Click Save

Questions? Please click the "HELP?" button in the upper right corner of your Engage screen or contact support.

Video is an extremely easy and engaging way to build a relationship with your contacts. People are much more apt to watch a brief video than read a large amount of text, and it also allows you to convey your personality and build rapport with your contacts.

Videos can be attached to welcome modules, meeting recaps, proposal modules, meeting reminders, workspace introductions, impact stories and more. In most cases, these videos can be filmed easily by any user with a computer camera or cell phone and are a more personal way of sharing information. There are also great use cases for sharing more professionally produced videos, recordings of webinars, or demo recordings.

Engage allows you to either upload a mp4 file or embed the video if it is already loaded in YouTube or Vimeo. See the step-by-step guide below to find out how to add another exciting component to your Engage workspace.

Step-by-step Guide

To attach a video file directly from your computer (Video Upload):

  1. Add a module to a workspace that contains a video component
  2. Click on the gear icon in the upper right hand side of the module to edit
  3. Click on the pencil icon on the upper right hand corner of the section of the module that will contain the video
  4. Select Video Upload in the drop down menu
  5. Click Select File to find the video on your computer and then click Open to attach
  6. Add a Poster Image by uploading an image file.  Many people either use a screen shot of the video, or their company logo.  A poster image is the image that will be shown until the user hits the play button. If you do not add a poster image, a gray box or the first frame of the video is used, depending on which browser your contact is viewing from. 
  7. Add a title or keywords for analytics purposes below (optional)
  8. Click Save

To attach a video from YouTube (Video Embed):

  1. Repeat steps 1-3 from above
  2. Go to the YouTube video you want to embed.
  3. Under the video, click SHARE 
  4. Click Embed
  5. From the box that appears, copy the HTML code.  Hint - it will start with <iframe and end with iframe>
  6. Paste this code into the video embed field
  7. Add a title or keywords for analytics purposes (optional)
  8. Click Save

To attach a video from Vimeo(Video Embed):

  1. Repeat steps 1-3 from above
  2. Go to the Vimeo video you want to embed.
  3. To the right of the video, click the paper airplane share button

  4. Copy the entire content in the Embed section to your clipboard
  5. Paste this code into the video embed field in Engage
  6. Add a title or keywords for analytics purposes (optional)
  7. Click Save

Other questions? Please click the "HELP?" button in the upper right corner of your Engage screen or contact support.

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