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Advanced Features: Workspace Switcher

The complexity of B2B sales leads to situations where the same contact might be involved in more than one specific sales process with your company. For instance, perhaps your company sells multiple kinds of software and you are trying to sell to a large company that is interested in one software for their marketing department and another for their IT department. The VP of Compliance is involved in both of those deals, but no one else from those groups crosses over, and you have separate workspaces for both of those deals. The VP doesn't want to have to find the correct link for each deal, but instead should be able to switch from one workspace to another easily in the system. The Workspace Switcher feature is what allows them to do just that.

You can add the contact information for the VP of Compliance to both workspaces and they will be able to see and switch between all of their workspaces simply by clicking on the dropdown on the top left-hand corner of the page. This dropdown will only show if the email address is the same on both of the workspaces.

 If you have any questions about the Workspace Switcher, please click the "HELP?" button in the upper right corner of your Engage screen or contact support.

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